
Garden City Elementary

We’ve made differences in how students think about their learning as a process rather than already defined (instead of “I’m only good at math, I’m bad at reading” it is “I’m proficient at math and I’m still practicing and developing my reading”. Students are intentional around how they respond to feedback through reflection and action. This has made formative feedback a more prominent and important step in the process of learning, and allows for teachers, parents and students to participate in the process equally. We’ve started to notice a change in how students reflect on their work. We can see that our students are putting more thought into expressing and putting into words what they have learned and what they still need/want to learn.

Cambie Secondary

  • noticeable year-over-year shifts in student perspective and critical thinking abilities, less willingness to give up.
  • students are becoming more resilient, more willing to stretch themselves and take risks.
  • students are more open to reflection on their growth/learning.
  • ongoing teacher refelection and learning about effective processes.
  • how can we shift back to the e-Portfolio as a joyful representation of learning instead of mainly housing assessment?
  • be more intentional in empowering students to showcase evidence of their process and habe more agency in sharing their journey.
  • work is needed on streamlining processes for posting to portfolios so that class time is used efficiently and more can be posted.

Debeck Elementary

We surveyed all of our in person learners in Grades 2 - 7, and 85% of students said that using e-Portfolios help them as learners. Most families surveyed also found the e-Portfolios helpful, but not all of the families have yet to complete the survey.

General Currie Elementary

We are making steady progress in making a difference in the experiences of our learners. Overall, our students are telling us that they enjoy using the portfolio space to showcase their learning and that they get to share it with their families. They like that there is ongoing and consistent feedback being provided by their teacher an that they get to use technology more in their learning. Many communicated that they are aware of where their strengths are as learners and where they need to go next. Our families are communicating that they feel more connected to their child's learning and we have seen steady improvements in families engaging in their child's learning as the year progressed.

Steves Elementary

Steves Feedback

Spul’u’kwuks Elementary

While it seems sometimes that progress is slow and nobody (parents) is watching, results from the parent survey state that: "75% AGREE/STRONGLY AGREE that access to their child’s portfolio allows them to be more connected to their learning". Teachers in older classes are also experiencing students showing more independence in their portfolios and abilities to reflect and self-assess. This is the difference we want to continue to make!


  • went from 2 staff to 9 staff doing CSL
  • beginning to see changes in attitude using technology
  • have seen excitement and ownership from students to share their work
  • more accountability from students to share their work (ie: student work being posted on their portfolios for parents to see)


  • students are acting more readily on feedback they receive, apparent in changes of way next component of project is completed or additions/elaboration on work that has been started already.
  • students readily asking for formative feedback and suggestions for growth informally throughout the course of the projects and tasks.
  • students are using criteria sheets and rubrics to evaluate their own work and understanding with greater frequency, consistency, and intentionality.
  • students taking more ownership of growth and own learning (big shift in making Core Competencies visible and tangible)
  • some families are engaging with their child's learning via portfolio views and comments.


Gilmore Evidence

Gilmore Evidence

Palmer Secondary

Checking: Have we made enough of a difference?

Students having more than one teacher using learning map, they are more familiar with this assessment practice and process. This has helped them to be better able to understand and take ownership of their learning progress.